The Duke’s private apartments are also located in the central part of the Palace. There are ten rooms with the view to the north. Two rooms located at both ends of the Duke’s private apartments feature the interiors of the Palace at the time when it was owned by the Zubovs and the Shuvalovs. The Duke’s private apartments include two studies, a dressing room as well as three bathrooms and toilet-rooms. The simple plank floor in these rooms has survived from the time the Palace was built.

The Duke’s Dressing Room is located in the very centre of the building, on the other side of the bedroom. A face of the sun is shining in the middle of a multi-coloured garland of flowers adorning the ceiling. Flowers and birds decorate the ceiling cove. The walls of the room are covered by broche silk wall-coverings. The room is furnished with a coiffeuse and a commode chair which illustrate the function of the room. Here one can also see the original stove.

The first study of the Duke displays the ceiling decorated with multi-coloured flower-garlands and birds as well as silvered ornaments. The marble fireplace which had already been rebuilt in the 19th century has been reconstructed from several surviving fragments. The walls of the room are covered by printed cotton wall-coverings made after the 18th century patterns. Paintings depicting hunting scenes convey the Dukes passion for hunting.

The second study of the Duke is notable for its ornamental wall painting. Prior to restoration it was covered by four layers of paint which have now been removed. The fireplace was destroyed in the 19th century. It was possible to reconstruct it from the remains on the wall.

There are three bathrooms in the Duke’s private apartments. Their walls are covered with cobalt blue painted Delft tiles featuring Biblical and rural scenes. One of the bathrooms features simple white tiles. Here one can see a typical 18th century personal hygiene appliance – a fountain for hand washing.

The Zubovs’ room shows the interior of the Palace around 1800 when its new owner Count Valerian Zubov furnished the Palace anew with neoclassical style furniture he had brought from St. Petersburg. The room exhibits portraits of the Zubovs and their patroness Empress Catherine the Great of Russia.

The Shuvalovs’ room illustrates the interior of the Palace in the second half of the 19th century. Particularly worth mentioning is the furniture made in Boulle marquetry which creates a luxurious atmosphere. Portraits in this room show the owners of the Palace at that time, brothers Pyotr and Pavel Shuvalov, as well as the Russian rulers.
